
A Rustic Fantasy RPG for the Foundry Virtual Tabletop

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

For Foundry Virtual Tabletop

A rustic fantasy tabletop RPG based on the acclaimed City of Mist. Spin a tale of journey and peril where choices transform gameplay.

Welcome to Legend in the Mist

This is a system for playing the game Legend in the Mist in Foundry Virtual Tabletop.

The game is currently in development and is being funded through a Kickstarter campaign.



This system is still under early development and may have some rough edges. The game itself is also under development and may see major changes. Consider this an early taster of what is coming.

Thank you for wanting to try out this system! The game is still under development and things may change or break. There are also features missing that will be added as development progresses.

To install the system in Foundry Virtual Tabletop:

  1. Find the system called "Legend in the Mist" in the systems list in the setup menu.

  2. Create a new world using the "Legend in the Mist" system.

*This system is published with express permission from Son of Oak

Special Thanks

This project already has some contributors, help and good vibes!

  • Thanks to @Daegony for contributing graphics, designs, UX advice and help with rules and the game in general.

  • Thanks to @CussaMitre for contributing code and squashing bugs.

  • Thanks to @Metamancer for being a rubber duck, and giving advice on both the game and development.

  • Thanks to @Altervayne for creating the online character creator and setting up a Discord community for us.

  • Thanks to the City of Mist Discord for contributing feedback, bug reports and generally being awesome about me barging in the door like I did.

If you feel like you could contribute something don't hesitate with contacting me @aMediocreDad.