🌌 asour

asour8 (renamed account)

🌿 About Me

hi im asour, i make stuff, such as games, websites, apps, stories, designs, random Blender stuff, etc

i use Linux, NixOS on one PC and Linux Mint on the other, tho ill prob move that one to NixOS too

NixOS Linux Mint Android

💻️ neofetch

coming soon

📚 Stuff I Have Done over The Years

over time truly i have done a lot of things indeed but here are a few things that i have done

  • 🥇 First place in AYS Hackathon 2020
  • 🎨 Graphics design
  • 🎮 Custom web game engines
  • 🥕 Founded Carroted, an org making software, games, apps and animation
  • 🎥 Video editing
  • 🎮 Unity game prototypes of all kinds
  • 🌐 Full-stack dynamic and static websites
  • 📚 TypeScript libraries
  • 🍊 Blender rigs and animation
  • 🕊️ Bevy games (WIP)
  • 🤖 Discord bots

📚 Languages

Note: These aren't in order of proficiency, just in order of what I've been using most lately.

Rust TypeScript CSS3 HTML5 Svelte .Net C# Lua

🛠️ Tools

Blender Inkscape Aseprite ApacheCassandra Bun Express.js Electron.js NodeJS Threejs UnityJellyfin

✨️ Cool Stuff

This is some stuff I enjoy you should check out

📫️ Contact

To contact me, create a new Discussion here.