
Verify an nmap file against a target range file to determine if the network subnet is online or offline.

Primary LanguagePython


Verify an nmap file against a target range file to determine if the network subnet is online or offline.



  1. Clone the repo
  2. Install dependencies - Virtual environments are recommended (ie. poetry)
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run the main script file
python main.py

pipx (Recommended)

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Install the script using pipx
pipx install .
  1. Run the program
nmapSubnetOnline -h


  1. Clone the repo
  2. Build the container
docker build -t nso .
  1. Run the container and map directories inside
docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/data nso


Development of this project is done with poetry as it makes managing the depencies and virtual envs much easier.

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Install the dependencies
poetry install
  1. Enter the poetry shell
poetry shell
  1. Modify source or run the main script file from this shell


usage: nmapSubnetOnline [-h] -r RANGES [-n NMAP] [-d DIR] [-o OUTPUT] [--debug] [--quiet]

Verify an nmap file against a target range file to determine if the network is online or offline

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -r RANGES, --ranges RANGES
                        Range file to check for online hosts
  -n NMAP, --nmap NMAP  Path to nmap output file (Supports multiple flags)
  -d DIR, --dir DIR     Directory of nmap output files
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Directory for output files
  --debug               Enable debug
  --quiet               Enable quiet mode

Example: nmapSubnetOnline -r ranges.txt -n nmap.xml


Python/Pipx Installation

(nmapsubnetonline-py3.11) root@cfeaca12f15c:/workspaces/nmapSubnetOnline# nmapSubnetOnline -r example/ranges.txt -d example/
2024-05-29T16:05:44.429698+0000 | SUCCESS | nmapsubnetonline.nmapsubnetonline has started
2024-05-29T16:05:44.434502+0000 | INFO | Reading range file 'example/ranges.txt'
2024-05-29T16:05:44.437332+0000 | INFO | Reading nmap file 'example/ping.xml'
2024-05-29T16:05:44.440492+0000 | INFO | Reading nmap file 'example/possible_dc.xml'
2024-05-29T16:05:44.449440+0000 | INFO | Outputting results to csv file

Docker installation

There are a couple gotchas when running tooling within a docker container.

  1. The files need to be mapped into the container for processing by using a volume.
  2. The output files need to be placed within the same directory that is mounted as a volume in order to be transfered back to the host.
  3. Unless the --rm flag is passed the container will exist long after it is exited.

Note: The following command uses the docker container while mapping all files within the current working directory into the docker container at /data. We also specify the output directory as /data and we tell docker to remove the container and it's data on exit.


PS C:\nmapSubnetOnline> docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/data nso -r /data/ranges.txt -n /data/possible_dc.xml -o /data
2024-05-29T17:32:34.540801+0000 | SUCCESS | nmapsubnetonline.nmapsubnetonline has started
2024-05-29T17:32:34.551113+0000 | INFO | Reading range file '/data/ranges.txt'
2024-05-29T17:32:34.582641+0000 | INFO | Reading nmap file '/data/possible_dc.xml'
2024-05-29T17:32:34.625612+0000 | INFO | Outputting results to csv file


Note: The -v volume argument is changed here from the original PowerShell version.

user@cfeaca12f15c:~/$ docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data nso -r /data/ranges.txt -n /data/possible_dc.xml -o /data
2024-05-29T17:32:34.540801+0000 | SUCCESS | nmapsubnetonline.nmapsubnetonline has started
2024-05-29T17:32:34.551113+0000 | INFO | Reading range file '/data/ranges.txt'
2024-05-29T17:32:34.582641+0000 | INFO | Reading nmap file '/data/possible_dc.xml'
2024-05-29T17:32:34.625612+0000 | INFO | Outputting results to csv file

Input Files Example

Nmap xml file

This file can either be a ping sweep or a port scan. The ping sweep will be faster but network devices may be blocking ICMP packets and a forced port scan may need to be done.

Nmap ping sweep command

nmap -sn -oX ranges
nmap -sn -iL ranges.txt -oX ranges

Nmap port scan command

nmap -Pn -n -oX ranges
nmap -Pn -n -iL ranges.txt -oX ranges

Range file

Ranges provided to nmap for scanning. These subnets/CIDRs will be output as online or offline determined by a boolean variable within the CSV.