🧑‍💻 About Me

I am an IT practitioner with 14 years of experience. I started out as a UI designer and gradually transitioned to a front-end developer.

The roles I hold at work include product manager, UI design, and front-end development.

My English reading and listening level is almost free, but my speaking and writing are not very fluent, sometimes I can't express myself very well. Trying to improve my English now.

I developed a data visualization development framework-techui. Decoration components are all implemented using dynamic SVG (no images). Almost no one does such development. Because it requires a high degree of control over the code and design ability to do it. There are currently Vue2, Vue3, and React versions.

🧊 Use To Code & Design

JavaScript, TypeScript, Rust, WebAssembly, React, Vue2, Vue3, JQuery, HTML5, CSS3, Less, DynamicSVG, Git, ECharts, Bootstrap, AntDesign, ElementUI, Vant, UniApp, Git, VSCode, Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere

Plan to learn

python,golang, threejs, may be java

📑 Need A Remote Job

I am planning to quit my job and if anyone can offer a long term remote job, please contact me. All my skills and frameworks are free to use if a partnership is reached.

Or contact me via Telegram @ayin86cn

You can also contact me via email ayin86cn@gmail.com

❤️ What I can offer

  • UI design
  • Planning and design of products and projects
  • Visualization project development
  • GEO project development (echarts+geojson+online map)
  • Rust development of WASM modules
  • Any type of business system
  • APP development
  • Documentation compilation
  • Front-end security, encryption and decryption