
Install the theme

mkdir themes
git submodule add themes/github-style

Update the theme

cd themes/github-style
git pull

Setup About page

hugo new

add layout = "about" to content/

title: "About"
date: 2019-10-22T18:46:47+08:00
layout: "about"

about me

config.toml example

baseURL = ""
title = "GitHub Style"
googleAnalytics = "UA-123-456-789"
theme = "github-style"
copyright = "© 2019. Theme by <a href=\"\"><span>github-style</span></a>"

  author = "example"
  description = "example"
  github = "example"
  facebook = "example"
  twitter = "example"
  misskey = "user profile url"
  mastodon = "user profile url"
  email = ""
  utterances = "example/"
  avatar = ""
  url = ""