
buildable version of the camera_calibration script in the OpenCV examples.

Primary LanguageC++

Camera Calibration

This is the camera calibration script provided in the OpenCV examples and the necessary cmake file to be able to build the code.

Details on the camera calibration script, how to use it, how to configure different parts of it, etc, can be found here in the OpenCV documenation.

Some worthy notes:

  • the Raspberry Pi's already have OpenCV installed (running OpenCV version 3.2)

  • The PiCam does not by default play nicely with the OpenCV VideoCapture class that is used to do the live calibration (see aa241x_vision for information on the library being used to read from the camera). Therefore it is recommended that you do the calibration by taking pictures of the calibration pattern (the circles one is in skilling, though feel free to print out and use the chesseboard instead) and using that method for the calibration script. If you want a fun challenge that will give you a really good handle on how the PiCam interfaces with OpenCV in C++, it is possible to modify the camera calibration script to use the RaspiCam library (but not required!)

Getting the Code

cd ~/Documents/
git clone https://github.com/aa241x/camera_calib.git

Building the Code

The code is designed to be built with cmake. To build it, here are the steps:

cd ~/Documents/camera_calib
mkdir build
cmake ..

Once the code is built, you will see many new files in the build directory, one of which is called camera_calibration. This is the file you use to run the program:


Note: there are inputs required for the camera calibration script as is. To understand how the camera calibration script works and the required inputs, etc, make sure to look at and read through the OpenCV documentation.