
Leetcode problems solved in different languages

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Solutions to LeetCode problems

Build Status


The solutions are in three languages,

More might get added in the future as I learn new languages.


Acronym Description
NA Denotes the metric is Not Available.
TODO This is an interesting question which I intend to solve in the future.
WIP Solution hasn't been accepted because it either hasn't passed all test cases or has thrown an exception. Tests for these would be ignored in the CI build.

Solutions by language

# Problem Difficulty Status (w/ Source) Runtime (ms) Memory Usage (MB)
1 Two Sum Easy Java 44 39.5
Java 4 38.4
11 Container With Most Water Medium Java 4 40.7
13 Roman to Integer Easy Java / Scala 98 / 428 46.2 / 53.6
14 Longest Common Prefix Easy Java 7 39
Java 9 38.9
Java 4 38.2
15 3Sum Medium Scala 8708 89.4
20 Valid Parentheses Easy Java 5 37.1
48 Rotate Image Medium Java 1 37.3
55 Jump Game Medium WIP NA NA
62 Unique Paths Medium Scala 296 40.9
70 Climbing Stairs Easy Java 2 36.5
76 Minimum Window Substring Hard Java / Scala 253 / NA 39.5 / NA
79 Word Search Medium Java 79 62.6
88 Merge Sorted Array Easy Node.js NA NA
92 Reverse Linked List II Medium WIP NA NA
94 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal Medium Node.js NA NA
102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal Medium Node.js NA NA
108 Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree Easy TODO NA NA
135 Candy Hard Java 9148 74.2
190 Reverse Bits Easy Java 1 28
Java 1 28
191 Number of 1 Bits Easy Java 0 34.8
Java 0 34.9
200 Number of Islands Medium Java 5 40.9
206 Reverse Linked List Easy Java / Node.js 0 / NA 37.6 / NA
207 Course Schedule Medium WIP NA NA
Java 0 37.6
208 Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) Medium Java 92 59.4
240 Search a 2D Matrix II Medium Java 24 50
322 Coin Change Medium Java 152 42.5
338 Counting Bits Medium Java 2 39.3
Java 1 39.6
344 Reverse String Easy Java 12 48.4
371 Sum of Two Integers Easy Java 0 34.5
417 Pacific Atlantic Water Flow Medium WIP NA NA
538 Convert BST to Greater Tree Easy Node.js NA NA
704 Binary Search Easy Java 2 40.7
722 Remove Comments Medium Java 266 29
745 Prefix and Suffix Search Hard WIP NA NA
749 Shortest Completing Word Medium Scala 540 53.6
762 Prime Number of Set Bits in Binary Representation Easy Scala 640 48.3
763 Partition Labels Medium Scala 396 48.1
764 Largest Plus Sign Medium WIP NA NA
765 Couples Holding Hands Hard WIP NA NA
933 Number of Recent Calls Easy Scala 1428 95.9
934 Shortest Bridge Medium WIP NA NA
936 Stamping The Sequence Hard WIP NA NA
937 Reorder Log Files Easy Scala 472 51.5
940 Distinct Subsequences II Hard WIP NA NA
970 Powerful Integers Easy Scala 296 42.2
973 K Closest Points to Origin Easy Java 64 54.5
981 Time Based Key-Value Store Medium Java 489 134
983 Minimum Cost For Tickets Medium Java / Scala 10 / 348 26 / 45.6
986 Interval List Intersections Medium Java 9 31.1
987 Vertical Order Traversal of a Binary Tree Medium Java 5 26.5
988 Smallest String Starting From Leaf Medium Java 12 26.3
989 Add to Array-Form of Integer Easy Java 36 32.7
990 Satisfiability of Equality Equations Medium Java 88 41.5
991 Broken Calculator Medium Java / Scala 1427 / 264 26 / 40
1000 Minimum Cost to Merge Stones Hard WIP NA NA