
Primary LanguageOpenEdge ABL


Typeface is a art experiment, aims to explore the ancient text, in the digital means by repeating the process of deconstruction and reconstruction of the loss of meaning, we collected a lot of time carved stone rubbings convolutional to train a deep convolutional generative adversarial network (DCGAN), in the process of training, the structure of the text were mutilated to the pixel level, through the study of a large number of samples, the neural network to master the method of writing, able to create new words.But this study - the process of creating, the meaning of the text is completely lost, to recreate the text into a meaningless imitation.

Typeface 是一项艺术实验,旨在探索古老的文字,在通过数字化手段不断重复解构、重构的过程中意义的丧失,我们采集了大量的前朝石刻拓片来训练一个深度卷积神经元网络 deep convolutional generative adversarial network (DCGAN),在训练的过程中,文字的结构被肢解至像素级,通过大量的样本学习,神经网络重新掌握了文字的书写方法,能够创造的新的文字。而此学习-创建的过程中,文字的意思却彻底丧失,重新创建的文字沦为一种无意义的模仿。


Fork from @genekogan's A Book from the Sky - Thanks Gene Kogan bring us this great project. typeface forked from this project.


Typeface is licensed under the MIT License.

We are

MaterO (Cheng Xin), New media artist, Coder, Mechanical Designer,Craftsmen,dedicated to exploring the possibility of “mixing” of materials and soft-hardwares. Founded one of the earliest new media design consultancy company in China, developed hundreds new media projects for government & commercial customers. In 2014, served as a mentor for China-US Young Maker Competition. In 2015, Participated an Interactive musical for The Rising Artists' Works (R.A.W!) of China Shanghai International Arts Festival (CSIAF). Now, a workshop and some training courses are set up in the university and institution. Now,open courses and workshops at universities and institutions.

aaajiao, is the online handle of Xu Wenkai, a Shanghai-based new media artist, avid blogger and free thinker.

Born in 1984, aaajiao grew up in Xi’an, the ancient capital of Qin and Han Dynasty known for the Terracotta Army. The year of 1984, coinciding with George Orwell’s dystopian masterpiece, seems to explain the perfect alignment between the vivid SciTech-driven imagination and the sometimes-poetic sophistication, frequently seen as the main theme of aaajiao’s work. Many of aaajiao’s works tap into the most current trends of thoughts around the Internet sphere, with a focus on the emerging controversies and phenomenon related to data processing, blogsphere/wemedia and filtered information. In his most recent projects, the artist has adopted a more extended scope of practices, borrowing elements from architecture, electronic music, performance arts, product design, even medicine, to portray the young generation harnessing the power of cyber technology and the ever-present social media.