
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Flask and Vue Tutorial


Python is a very popular general purpose programming language. For machine learning it is most times the only choice. Vue, on the other hand, is a very popular framework for web frontend. This project demonstrates how the two can work together seamlessly. It is designed as an introductory project for a full-stack software engineer.



The Vue project under web is compiled to a bunch of static files under the static directory, which is served by the Flask web server. The static files will be loaded by the browser, and further interaction will be realized by communication between the browser and the Flask web server in the form of restful web service request, i.e. HTTP message exchanges in JSON.

In the deployment mode, this is implemented by the fact that:

  • Flask serves static files under static by default.
  • All other restful requests are implemented by the python code.

In the development mode, the frontend files is directly served by yarn, and the browser also connects to yarn. Therefore we need to set up yarn so the restful API are forwarded to the flask server. This is implemented by the following lines in the configuration file vite.config.js:

  server: {
    proxy: {
      '/api/': ''

By default we configure the flask server to listen the port 8888.



Python should be available in most systems. In Ubuntu it can be installed by

# This is most likely not needed as python3 should be already available.
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip

To install dependencies, run

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Install Node

If node is not already available:

$ sudo bash
# cd /opt
# wget https://nodejs.org/dist/v16.18.1/node-v16.18.1-linux-x64.tar.xz
# tar xf node-v16.18.1-linux-x64.tar.xz
# ln -s node-v16.18.1-linux-x64 node
# cat > /etc/profile.d/node.sh		# add environment variable to system
export NODE_HOME=/opt/node
export PATH=$PATH:$NODE_HOME/bin

Start a new terminal so node is made available to the shell.


If yarn is not available.

sudo npm install --global yarn

Setup Project Directory

$ cd web
$ npm install
$ yarn build

How to Run

Method 1. For back-end development only.

  • Change to web; run yarn build to update the static files.
  • Change back to project root and run ./server.py.

Browse the URL printed out by the python server.

Method 2. For front-end development.

The advantage of this is the code changes in the front-end part is immediately reflected in the browser without the need to recompile.

  • Run ./server.py.
  • Change to web; run yarn dev.

Browse the URL printed out by yarn.