
Extend/Block for express-handlebars

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Extend and Block helpers for express-handlebars.


I created this package to use alongside with express-handlebars. I mainly use this to dynamically load specific CSS/JS files into different handlebars template files.

All credits go to:

defunctzombie for creating the initial helper functions. If you want a more general solution that you can plug into any npm handlebars package, I suggest using his library instead.

Example Usage

var handlebars = require('express-handlebars');
var hbsExtend = require('express-handlebars-extend');
var hbs = hbsExtend(handlebars.create({defaultLayout: 'layout'}));
app.engine('handlebars', hbs.engine);


  • March 21, 2016: Initial module with no tests


  1. Write solid tests
  2. Make an examples directory