
APCS Final Project

Primary LanguageProcessing

Enter the Steakhouse

(Mooing Steak: Aaron Hsu, Yaying Liang Li)


Enter the Steakhouse is a roguelike bullet-hell dungeon crawler where the player will navigate through various rooms with the goal of finding and defeating the boss of the floor. As the player explores the floor, they will be faced with enemies. Each room may contain a set of enemies that differ in strength and attack patterns that the player must defeat to proceed. Other rooms may contain a shop, where the player can upgrades, or a chest, which can be opened with keys found around the floor. Each floor is procedurally generated.

Compile/Run Instructions

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Open the Processing project
  3. Press the run button on the top left of Processing

How To Play

  • Use keys WASD to move up, left, down, and right respectively.
  • Travel between rooms and left click to shoot enemies.
  • Press TAB to view the map. The room bordered in green is the one you are currently in.
  • After defeating all the enemies in the red rooms, you may enter the boss (black) room to fight the boss. The boss will only spawn when all combat rooms have been visited.

Link to Planning Document








Aaron: Worked on project proposal and created the room generation algorithm using BFS.

Yaying: Worked on project proposal.


Aaron: Worked on floor traversal. Players can now move between rooms.

Yaying: Worked on different Enemies. Different Enemies shoot different styles of projectiles.


Aaron: Worked on wall collisions (so that they player can't walk into walls). Corridors are now deleted if there is no adjacent room. Also new maps!

Yaying: Added customizable size + color feature to projectiles + fixed shoot-3-projectiles-at-a-time bug. Added collision detection for enemy projectiles.


Aaron: Player can now fall (and take damage) into pits. Also added a small GUI for the amount of health.

Yaying: Changed projectiles to circles. Created despawning feature when projectile collides with player, or set amount of time passes.


Aaron: Merged map-movement to main and solved merge conflicts.

Yaying: Merged monster-examples to main and solved merge conflicts.


Aaron: Added player shooting and projectile bouncing.

Yaying: Experimented with + added monster designs to our enemies.


Aaron: Created random spawning of enemies in rooms. Also merged interactions and enemy-spawning into main.

Yaying: Created collision box for enemies and checked for enemy-player projectile collisions.


Aaron: Worked on A* pathfinding for enemies.

Yaying: Added boss design!


Aaron: Finished A* pathfinding, created barebones for shop room, and rescaled screen size.

Yaying: Relearned projectile motion.


Aaron: Created functional shop room, made visual changes, map screen toggle, and enemy spawning/attack pattern changes.

Yaying: Worked on boss attack pattern 3 (random) and 2 (chase)


Aaron: Modified map overlay, added the boss to the boss room, and added a win/loss screen for demo

Yaying: Worked on boss attack pattern 3 (random) and 1 (swirl) from Aaron's help.


Aaron: Sketched out how the menu pages will look like.

Yaying: Added Menu Page with color-changing buttons upon hover.


Aaron: Worked on slideshow for demo

Yaying: Added Map Selection page


Aaron: Moved floor generation to menu page.

Yaying: Added cow pixel art; fixed color scheme for map selection page


Aaron: Chest room created and fixed the generation of different sized floors.

Yaying: Added scrolling cow animation in menu page


Yaying: Added chest, key, blank, and coin pixel arts + loaded them into respective files; added controls screen, win + lose screen with reset button


Aaron: Added new weapon that you can buy in the shop. Also made enemies and the player turn.


Aaron: Changed the visuals of the game (added tile colors) and updated UML. Player has invincibility frames when getting shot and falling into pit. Also fixed misc. bugs.

Yaying: Added Milshake class, and bloodstain, wall, pistol, and shotgun pixel arts; added Health HP bar.