
First Semester of APCS with Mr. Konstantinovich

Primary LanguageJava


This repository contains all material taught in the first semester of MKS22X taught by Mr. Konstantinovich

Assignment Description
00-test A testing repo where we learned how to use git
01-dimension An introduction and exercise with 2d arrays
02-bank An introduction to classes
03-triangles An triangle classifier, including area and perimeter functions given points
04-super_array An implementation of ArrayLists
05-real An implementation of a real number class
06-int_sequence An introduction to interfaces
07-ordered_arraylist An implementation of an ArrayList using Comparable<T> for ordering
08-sorts An implementation of Bubble, Selection, and Insertion sort
09-redirection An introduction to file reading
10-linkedlist An implementation of LinkedLists
11-radix An implementation of radix sort
12-travelling-salesman A slow solution to the Travelling Salesman problem