cowsino 🐮🎰

Aaron Hsu & Eliza Knapp (Period 5)

Description of Project

Cowsino is a casino where users can log into a server to gamble moonies by playing simple text-based chance games. User data (username, password, balance) is stored in a file system and multiple users can interact with the cowsino at a time.

🎲 UI 🎲


On client connect, the user will be prompted to either log in or create an account. After a user sucessfully logs in (by entering a valid username and corresponding password stored in a file system), they will be able to spend their moonies to play an assortment of text-based chance games that can earn them moonies. When the user disconnects, the amount of moonies they own is updated in the server.

List of commands that can be run:

  • login <username> <password>: Logs in a user with the given username and password.
  • create <username> <password>: Creates a new user with the given username and password.
  • balance: Displays the current balance of the user.
  • play flip <amount> <heads/tails>: Plays a coinflip game, betting the given amount of moonies on the given side of the coin.
  • play dice <amount> <number of dice> <sum guess>: Plays a dice game, betting the given amount of moonies on the sum of the dice. The closer the user's guess is to actual sum, the higher the payout.
  • play wheel <amount spun>: Plays a wheel game where it spins number of times and you gain the amount of money that it lands on (if the amount is negative, you lose money). Returns to user whether they won or lost and reminds them to check updated balance.
  • exit: Exits the program.
  • help: Displays a list of commands that can be run.

🎲 Technical Design 🎲


  • Allocating memory: To create structs that store user data and store the game data.
  • Working with files: User data will be stored in files as structs.
  • Finding information about files: User data wil be fetched from files on user connect/disconnect.
  • Processes: Forking processes to have multiple clients connect at a time.
  • Semaphores: Ensure that a client isn't logged into the server through multiple terminals at the same time.
  • Pipes: To communicate between the server and the client.

Data Structures/Methods

  • User struct: (char * username, char * password, int balance)
  • We will be building off of assignments 22/23 to establish client/server communication (3 step handshake, forking processes, and pipes)

Project Breakdown

  • Aaron:
    • Parse user input and implement help and exit commands.
    • Implement game logic and modify variables that relate to the game. Implement the balance functionality.
    • Implement the play flip and play dice commands.
  • Eliza:
    • Create structs and store/retrieve user data from files. Implement the balance function.
    • Implement the login/create account functionality.
    • Implement the play wheel command.

🎲 Project Timeline (due 1/21) 🎲

  • 1/13: Start with previous assignment (pipes and handshake)
  • 1/14: Parse user input (serverside) and run (empty) functions with parameters. Store user data locally within the program. Implement exit and help.
  • 1/17: Implement user struct and login system (by reading/writing to files). Create a coinflip game.
  • 1/18: MVP (current description of the project)- implement the dice and wheel games.
  • 1/19: Semaphores to make sure that a client isn't logged into the server through multiple terminals at the same time.
  • 1/20: Fix bugs and consider implementing multiplayer games.

If the project is completed on time and the deadline is after 1/21, more games can be implemented.