
Primary LanguageShell

Dotfiles README

This README provides an overview of the custom configurations for my terminal and shell environment, including Alacritty, Sheldon plugin manager, and Starship prompt.

Alacritty Configuration

Alacritty is a modern terminal emulator that prioritizes simplicity and performance. My configuration enhances the visual and functional aspects of Alacritty to suit my preferences.

  • Theme: Catppuccin Mocha
  • Font: Hack Nerd Font, with different styles for normal, bold, italic, and bold italic text.
  • Window: Custom padding and decorations, with dynamic titles based on the active application.
  • Scrolling: Increased history to 20,000 lines for extensive scroll-back.
  • Selection: Clipboard integration for easy text copy-paste operations.
  • Cursor: Block shape with blinking enabled for better visibility.

Configuration file: .config/alacritty/alacritty.toml

Sheldon Plugin Manager

Sheldon is a fast, configurable, shell plugin manager. It allows for managing Zsh plugins efficiently.

  • Autosuggestions: Offers command suggestions based on history.
  • Syntax Highlighting: Enhances command line readability.
  • Autojump: A cd command that learns - easily navigate directories.
  • Docker & Rust Completions: Autocompletion for Docker and Rust commands.
  • Oh My Zsh Plugins: Integration of Oh My Zsh plugins, specifically the git-prompt.

Configuration file: .config/sheldon/plugins.toml

Starship Prompt

Starship is a minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell.

  • Prompt Structure: Customized layout including Python environment, username, hostname, directory, Git branch, and more.
  • Git Status: Visual indicators for different Git statuses.
  • Command Duration: Displays the execution time of the last command.
  • Palette: Catppuccin Mocha theme with custom symbols and colors for various prompt elements.

Configuration file: .config/starship.toml

Zsh Configuration

My Zsh setup enhances shell interaction, productivity, and visual appeal.

  • Aliases: Custom aliases for frequently used commands with enhanced listing options using eza.
  • Sheldon: Integration for managing shell plugins.
  • Starship: Configured as the shell prompt for an informative and visually pleasing command line experience.
  • Zoxide: A smarter cd command that helps you navigate faster by learning your habits.
  • Atuin: Improves shell history with advanced features like search and statistics.

Configuration file: .zshrc

Note: To apply these configurations, clone this repository to your local machine and follow the setup instructions for each tool (Alacritty, Sheldon, Starship) accordingly. Customize it further to suit your needs!