
Breadfast Centralized Helm Repository

Primary LanguageSmarty


A Helm chart for Kubernetes

Version: 0.14.7 Type: application

Breadfast Centralized Helm Repository

The purpose of this repository is to provide a place for maintaining and contributing Breadfast Charts, with CI processes in place for managing the releasing of Charts into the repository and having a unified Configuration Management

Helm chart is maintained by the DevOps team and which conform to the best practices and standards of our Kubernetes clusters.

How it works ?

  • Add the Helm Charts for your client, you will need a GITHUB_TOKEN with repo scope:
helm repo add breadfast $HELM_REPO --username $GITHUB_USER --password $GITHUB_TOKEN
helm dependency update .

Syntax testing and Dry run:

helm template . | kubectl apply --dry-run -f -

Packaging and Pushing the helm release tgz file:

helm package .
helm cm-push ./service-${RELEASE_VERSION}.tgz helm-chart