This repository contains a set of code that is shared amongst the various Python samples for the Microsoft Identity Platform. This is a work in progress and we'd love to hear your feedback, comments and contributions.
The code present makes available or aims to make available the following features to the developers:
- Allow for (but not require) automatic Flask/Django/other framework integration (implemented)
- Allow for (but not require) automatic endpoint protection (implemented)
- Catch AAD errors and handle them properly, e.g.:
- password reset flow and edit profile flow (implemented)
- insufficient / incremental consent (needs implementation)
- Token cache handling (implemeted)
- authN enforcement by decorator (implemented)
- Allow multiple identity sessions per user browser session (i.e., multiple logged in users in one browser session) (not yet implemented)
- Abstract authN and authZ implementation details away from developer (implemented)
- authZ enforcement by decorator (not yet implented)
- Python 3.8
- A virtual env for your own webapp project
- A flask project or django project (impelemented) or other web framework (not yet implemented) or desktop app (not yet implemented)
Open a terminal and type the following:# go to your web app directory on dev machine
cd your-flask-app-root-directory
python3 -m venv path-to-venv # only required if you don't have a venv already
# activate your virtual env
source path-to-venv/bin/activate
Open a terminal and type the following:# go to your web app directory on dev machine
cd your-flask-app-root-directory
python3 -m venv path-to-venv # only required if you don't have a venv already
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope Process -Force
. path-to-venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1
pip install -r requirements.txt
Use only one of the following two options:
- via https://
pip install git+
- via ssh://
pip install git+ssh://
3. copy a config template (e.g. aad.config.json
) from the repo and in to your project root dir, and fill in the details
don't forget to import the required modules into your application as necessary:
from ms_identity_web import IdentityWebPython
from ms_identity_web.adapters import FlaskContextAdapter
from ms_identity_web.configuration import AADConfig
hook up the utils to your flask app:
adapter = FlaskContextAdapter(app) # we are using flask
ms_identity_web = IdentityWebPython(AADConfig.parse_json('aad.config.json'), adapter) # instantiate utils
add the @ms_identity_web.login_required decorator to protect your routes:
@ms_identity_web.login_required # <-- developer only needs to hook up this decorator to any login_required endpoint like this
def my_protected_route():
return render_template('my_protected_route.html')
see: or for a demo with any of the apps there
- main common code API is here.
- FlaskContextAdapter for handling interaction between the API and flask context (e.g. session, request)
- An ABC defining the interface for writing more adapters
- Should be re-organised into folders on a per-framework basis?
- a class that implements all aad-specific endpoints. support for multiple instances with different prefixes if necessary
- all bindings are automatic with flaskcontextadapter
is used to integrate with Django apps- need to use
as middleware in Django apps
implements all aad-specific endpoints. support for multiple instances with different prefixes if necessary
- IdentityContext class that holds ID-specific info (simple class with attributes and has_changed function for write-to-session decision)
- simple configuration parser and sanity checker
- AAD constants
- AAd error classes