
A dialog manager for Polymer's paper-dialog.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


A dialog manager for Polymer's paper-dialog.

Install by running
bower install aabluedragon/dialog-manager --save
Then import dialog-manager by adding it to your html:
<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/dialog-manager/dialog-manager.html">

The purpose of dialog-manager is to allow you to create polymer paper-dialog(s) programmatically, without having to pre-declare their templates in the DOM the usual Polymer way, which grants you the ability to manage your dialogs from the javascript side of your app.

If you have used angular material dialogs, the syntax should be familiar to you.

Simple dialog example:
Place the element in your html:

<dialog-manager id="dm"></dialog-manager>

Then call

this.$.dm.start().title('Hello').body('I am your body').confirm('Ah... Ok').open();

start() begins the dialog constuction, open() returns a reference to the constructed paper-dialog so you can manipulate it later, while you could also call build() first, which also returns it, and then call open() after you have finished preparing the dialog:

this.$.dm.start().title('Hello').body('I am your body').confirm('Ah... Ok').build().open();

To get a reference to your dialog, you could use both build or open, for example:

var dialog = this.$.dm.start().title('Hello').body('I am your body').confirm('Ah... Ok').open();
dialog.close() // The user will see nothing, because we have opened and closed the dialog immediately.

Note that after a dialog has finished it's process, the dialog-manager removes it from the DOM.

For convenience, you can have a callback for once the dialog has been closed:

this.$.dm.start().title('Hello').body('I am your body').confirm('Ah... Ok').dismiss('Nah').open(function(arg){
   console.log("iron-overlay-closed has been triggered");
   if(arg.detail.confirmed === false) {
     console.log('Class dismissed');

Note: if you called build before open, then build takes the callback instead of open.

You can add a dismiss button:

this.$.dm.start().title('Hello').body('I am your body').confirm('Ah... Ok').dismiss('No thanks').open();

Creating a dialog using plain HTML as the content:

      <h2>Dialog Title</h2>
      <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.</p>
      <div class="buttons">
        <paper-button >More Info...</paper-button>
        <paper-button dialog-dismiss>Decline</paper-button>
        <paper-button dialog-confirm autofocus>Accept</paper-button>

Note that you should send the HTML string without the <paper-dialog>...</paper-dialog> part.

Appending HTML to the bottom of the dialog:

this.$.dm.start().title('Hello').body('I am your body').confirm('Ah... Ok').dismiss('No thanks').appendHtml("<div>Extra content</div>").open();

Note that as opposed to appendHtml(), the html() function prepends your html content.

Create a spinner dialog:


Note that adding a spinner implicitly sets a modal="true" attribute to your dialog to prevent closing it by clicking outside the dialog box.

Setting the default attributes for a dialog-manager, which will be stamped for each paper-dialog it creates:

this.$.dm.defaultAttributes = {

Setting the attributes for dialog:


Note that settings attributes like that will make the dialog-manager ignore it's defaultAttributes for that particular dialog.

Removing all open dialogs:


Retreiving all open dialogs:

var allOfEm = this.$.dm.getAllDialogs();