read me file for the FBExportWebBasedSystem thesis project
- Java
- Javascript
- HTML5 / CSS3
- jstl
- jsp
- Spring
- Hibernate
- Servlet
- Java Money Currency API
- Apache commons lang
- Apache commons text
- MDBootstrap
- JQuery
- underscore.js
- marine traffic (for tracking ship directions)
- fields (instance variables), local variables, objects should used lower camel case naming
- for constants use CAPITALIZED naming
- for declaring and defining setter and getter methods of a class please start with a set'ClassName'()
- for declaring interface start with I prefix ex: IPayment
- for implementing an interface name that class with a suffix Impl ex: StudentPaymentImpl
- it is better to use StringBuilder or StringBuffer classes for concatenating strings (note: StringBuilder is not thread safe whereas StringBuffer is thread safe)