
trading bot showcase

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Bitfinex Trading Bot

Bitfinext Trading Bot is meant to be an interactive tool for trading CryptoCurrencies pairs on the Bitfinex platform, based from a initial amount, and focused on a customisable algorithm to achieve a performant PnL.


• Implemented a Pool System to be listening from the keyboard and from the API calls • Keyboard listener from the STDIN • Bitfinex API consumer: books, candlesa and ticker • Terminal output in the Pooler parent class • Welcome display (just fancier)


• Tests • Trading algorithm

Performance tips

List of possible perfomances that could improve the code:

• Bitfinex API have websockets and could be key for performance (I need to read docs for this) • Locally in this code, the use of buffers could be also benefitial. • API responses had been formatted from raw arrays to objects for human-readable reasons • With more time and familiarised with the API, better using it without the formatting • Proper tests could avoid errors and therefore avoid possible perf issues • The Use of typescript could be considered too.

• By default I usually don't use ES6 classes, but sometimes could be benefitials when handling data • Since the EventEmitter inheritance (Poller) and request data handling I thought could be convenient

Notes for reviewers

• Once I would get familiarised with the coding structure, Bitfinext API and trading conepts: I would rewrite this (quicker) using TDD methodology.