
✉️ – Emails editor UI component.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Emails Editor ✉️


A simple editor for generating a list of emails.


  • First install dependencies with npm install.
  • Build the library with npm run build.
  • Add the generated script at the bottom of your document body.
    <!--your app-->
    <script src="dist/main.js"></script>
  • Then use global EmailsEditor function to create the component.
    <div id="emails-editor"></div>
    <script src="dist/main.js"></script>
        const emailsEditor = EmailsEditor(document.querySelector('#emails-editor'));


Pass options as the 2nd parameter of EmailsEditor specifying the initial emails to display.

const options = {
    emails: [
            value: 'demo@mail.com',
            isValid: true,
    header: ''
const emailsEditor = EmailsEditor(/** container **/, options);

To get current emails use the getEmails method, accessed through the object returned by EmailsEditor.

const emailsEditor = EmailsEditor(/** container **/);
const emails = emailsEditor.getEmails();


You can find a demo of the component at aaccurso.me/emails-editor.