Astromon by Secure Bathtub

Stuyvesant High School SoftDev Course P01<Project 1> | PLAY
*note: breaks do happen occasionally, simply repeating the action will fix them


Aaron Contreras (PM)
Alejandro Alonso (Devo)
Edwin Zheng (Devo)
Tina Nguyen (Devo)

App Description

Our app creates a website designed to allow users to pit two Pokemon against one another in an intergalactic battle among the stars. Win 10 rounds in a row, and the user wins it all. Welcome to Astromon.


The following instructions assume that you have Python 3.9 and pip already installed.

  1. Clone this repository.

$ git clone

  1. Create a new virtual environment. Learn more about those here.

$ python3 -m venv ~/<your_env_name>
$ source your_env_name/bin/activate

  1. Cd into pokegame $ (your_env_name) cd pokegame/

  2. Install project dependencies.

$ (your_env_name) pip3 install -r requirements.txt

  1. Run the app.

$ (your_env_name) python3 app/


Prof. Topher Mykolyk
Stuyvesant High School