
This is a personal portfolio of data visualizations, shiny apps, and other assorted projects.

Primary LanguageHTML

Repository Overview

This is my GitHub repository for anything related to any data visualizations I make. Right now, it will likely only contain files related to work I do as a data visualization editor for the Georgetown Public Policy Review. However, I plan to expand and maintain it as I advance through my professional career.

This repository will include both datasets and visualizations.

Finished, publication-level visualizations can be found in the "Finished Visualizations" folder.

The "Past Projects" folder contains files used during my working process, separated by project. Only projects for external organizations are included here.

The "Personal Projects" folder contains files I created for personal projects. This folder does not contain any files used for projects for external organizations.

The GPPRlogo.png file is a logo for the Georgetown Public Policy Review which is included in all visualizations made for that publication.

The "Community Best Practices Documentation" folder contains the licensing, code of conduct, and contributor guidelines for this repository. Since this repository functions as a portfolio, and I (Alex Adams) am the only contributor, those documents are basically templates, and can be safely ignored when examining my work here. I include them only because GitHub includes them in a best practices list, and I believe it is important to be a conscientious digital citizen.

In the lists below, items followed by a tilde (~) can be found in the Finished Visualizations folder, while items followed by a dollar sign ($) can be found in the Personal Projects folder.

Published Visualizations

"Comparing Redistricting Mechanisms Across States" in One Vote: Who Will Decide What’s ‘Fair’ in State Redistricting? by Nisha Singh. Published in the Georgetown Public Policy Review on January 4, 2021. Article link: https://gppreview.com/2021/01/04/one-vote-will-decide-whats-fair-state-redistricting/ (~)

"Almost Every State Supreme Court Publicizes Its Bar Membership" in Open The Bar: Toward Greater Supreme Court Transparency by Harry William Baumgarten. Published in the Georgetown Public Policy Review on November 28, 2020. Article link: https://gppreview.com/2020/11/28/open-bar-toward-greater-supreme-court-transparency/ (~)

"23% of Federal District Courts Publicize Their Bar Memberships" in Open The Bar: Toward Greater Supreme Court Transparency by Harry William Baumgarten. Published in the Georgetown Public Policy Review on November 28, 2020. Article link: https://gppreview.com/2020/11/28/open-bar-toward-greater-supreme-court-transparency/ (~)

"7 of the 13 Circuit Courts of Appeal Publicize Their Bar Memberships" in Open The Bar: Toward Greater Supreme Court Transparency by Harry William Baumgarten. Published in the Georgetown Public Policy Review on November 28, 2020. Article link: https://gppreview.com/2020/11/28/open-bar-toward-greater-supreme-court-transparency/ (~)

Other Published Work

"COVID County, USA", published January 8, 2021, updated August 3, 2021. App link: https://aadams149.shinyapps.io/COVID_County_USA/ ($)

"How Often Do Members of Congress Vote Together?", published August 5, 2021, updated TBD. App link: https://aadams149.shinyapps.io/VoteTogether/ ($)

hhill.R, a script which implements the Huntington-Hill method of apportionment as a function. This is the method of apportionment used to allocate seats in the U.S. House of Representatives.