
Analysis functionality for subcellar models

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Build Status Documentation

Analysis functionality for subcellular models


Stable Release: pip install subcell-analysis
Development Head: pip install git+https://github.com/Simularium/subcell-analysis.git


  1. Install Conda: https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/install/index.html


  1. create a virtual env: conda create -n subcell_analysis
  2. conda activate subcell_analysis
  3. conda install readdy==2.0.9
  4. pip install -e '.[lint,test,docs,dev]'

**Note: just install will not install readdy correctly, which is needed for tests to pass.


For full package documentation please visit Simularium.github.io/subcell-analysis.


See CONTRIBUTING.md for information related to developing the code.

Glossary of terms

Definitions of some terms used in these analyses

  • polymer trace:

    refers to the line traced by a polymer backbone in three dimensions. For cytosim, this corresponds to the positions of the control points. For ReaDDy, this corresponds to a derived metric that traces the polymer backbone

  • end-to-end axis:

    refers to the line connecting the first and last points of a polymer trace

Apache Software License 2.0