
A pipelined MIPS processor implemented in Python

Primary LanguagePython

A MIPS processor implemented with Python

What it is

PyMIPS is a formal implementation of a MIPS pipelined processor developed as an academical experiment.

In particular, it's a 5 stages DLX processor, as described in the book Computer Organization and Design by John Hennessy and David Patterson [PatHen05]

It wasn't tested in hardware, but its (VHDL) description was tested and simulated succesfully and should be ready to try in a FPGA

How it is implemented

To describe hardware formally, a HDL computer language is necessary. Popular HDL languages are VHDL and Verilog but I need (because I have no time nor stomach to that kind of evilness) and want to use Python.

So, MyHDL was my option.

How to try it

PyMIPS isn't a traditional for-end-user software. Instead, you could think about it as MIPS procesor simulator: a program to run your (trivial) programs.


PyMIPS requires only MyHDL to run. To install you could use pip:

$ git clone https://github.com/nqnwebs/pymips.git
$ cd pymips
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

(As usual, I recommend to to this in a virtualenv)


The main module is dlx.py. PyMIPS execute a simple RISC bytecode (HEX data). By default it runs programs/simple.txt:

$ python pymips/dlx.py

No compiler is given, but you could check the default program to write your own and run as argument:

$ python pymips/dlx.py your_program.txt


There is a report (in spanish) which was the academic document of this project You can download from here (pdf - 0.6mb)


Would you like to continue this project? May be try it in real hardware ? Or add a GUI and use as user-friendly simulator ?

So, I would like to read from you. Please write me to gaitan(at)gmail.com

How this project was born

From http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.myhdl/1536/ :

Hi everybody.

this is the situation: I'm a student with one subject left (and the final project, which it's almost cooked [1] ) to get a dregree in Computer Engineering [2] at Córdoba, Argentina. This subject is computer architecture.

To pass and be happy I must implement a DLX/MIPS pipelined processor. I would like to get my degree someday in the rest of 2010. I forget what I ever knew about VHDL and I never knew Verilog. but I enjoy very much programming python.

My gantt diagram says that I have a month to do this. Do you think MyHDL it's my workhorse ?

seriously, I'll be bothering here for a while. be patience. and thanks in advance.

BTW, any open source MIPS-like project in MyHDL over there?

[2]http://computacion.efn.uncor.edu/ (probably a 404, the net and electric lines at the university sucks)
[PatHen05]: Computer Organization and Design, 3th edition, David Patterson and John Hennessy, Morgan Kaufmman Publishers, CA, 2005