We want to count the number of bees flying around in order to monitor the hive. The goal of this challenge is to automate the process of counting bees in a given image.
beehive uses a slightly modified Centernet to achieve this.
For methodolgy and results, check report.md or report.pdf
- clone project:
git clone https://github.com/aadhithya/beehive.git
is a minimal inference script that runs inference using onnxruntime.- Insatll requirements:
pip install -r inference_requirements.txt
- run inference:
python bee_counter.py <image-path> --show True
- NOTE: The checkpoint is downloaded from github if not available locally. Check Releases for checkpoints.
In case you want to develop or train/evaluate/infer model you need to do the following:
install poetry:
pip install poetry
install requirements:
poetry install
Note: poetry install creates a new virtual env.
now that the environment is created, you are ready to go.
check installation:
python -m beehive version
NOTE: using this method needs python >= 3.9
- install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- install beehive in edit mode:
pip install -e .
- check installation:
python -m beehive version
When you inference for the first time, the corresponding model weights are automatically downloaded to the current directory from github. : When using
python -m beehive infer ...
you need to specify the--dl
flag to enable model download. -
Models can be manually downloaded from the Releases.
Only weights for the resnet18 backbone model is available.
python -m beehive train --help
The splits.json
file contains the dataset splits.
python -m beehive eval --help
python -m beehive infer path/to/image --show
python -m beehive export-onnx --help