
Node.js & MongoDB User Authentication & Authorization

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Node.js & MongoDB User Authentication & Authorization



This project demonstrates User Authentication (Registration, Login) & Authorization using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) in a Node.js and MongoDB application. Key features include user registration, role-based authorization, and access to protected resources.

Route Method URL Action Authorization
User Registration POST /api/auth/signup Register a new user account. None
User Login POST /api/auth/signin Authenticate a user by username and password. None
Public Content GET /api/test/all Access public content that does not require authentication. None
User Content GET /api/test/user Access content for logged-in users (any role). Requires a valid JWT token.
Moderator Content GET /api/test/mod Access content for users with the "moderator" role. Requires a valid JWT token and "moderator" role.
Admin Content GET /api/test/admin Access content for users with the "admin" role. Requires a valid JWT token and "admin" role.

These routes outline the HTTP methods, URLs, actions, and authorization requirements for the Node.js & MongoDB User Authentication & Authorization project.

Authentication Routes Description
POST /api/auth/signup User registration.
POST /api/auth/signin User login.
Authorization Routes Description
GET /api/test/all Accessible to all users, no specific role required.
GET /api/test/user Accessible to logged-in users (user/moderator/admin).
GET /api/test/mod Accessible to users with the "moderator" role.
GET /api/test/admin Accessible to users with the "admin" role.

Technologies and Terms

This project utilizes various technologies and terms to implement user authentication and authorization effectively. Here's an overview of key components and concepts:



  • Node.js: A JavaScript runtime environment that allows server-side scripting. It's used to build the backend server of this application.


  • MongoDB: A NoSQL database that stores data in a flexible, JSON-like format. MongoDB is used to store user data and roles.


  • Express.js: A popular Node.js framework for building web applications and APIs. It simplifies routing, middleware, and HTTP handling.

JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

  • JSON Web Tokens (JWT): A compact, self-contained means of securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object. JWTs are used for user authentication and authorization.


  • Bcrypt.js: A library for hashing passwords securely. It's used to hash and verify user passwords stored in the database.


  • CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing): Middleware that enables or restricts cross-origin HTTP requests. It's used to allow requests from specific origins in this project.

Key Terms


  • Authentication: The process of verifying the identity of a user or system. In this project, it involves user registration and login.


  • Authorization: The process of granting or denying access to specific resources or actions based on user roles and permissions.

JSON Web Token (JWT)

  • JSON Web Token (JWT): A digitally signed token that contains claims about the user. It's used for securely transmitting user data between the client and server.


  • Roles: User roles define a user's level of access and permissions within the application. Common roles include "user," "moderator," and "admin."


  • Middleware: Functions that process requests before they reach the route handlers. They can be used for tasks like authentication and authorization.


  • REST API (Representational State Transfer API): An architectural style for designing networked applications. It uses standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to perform CRUD operations on resources.


  • Mongoose: An Object Data Modeling (ODM) library for MongoDB and Node.js. It simplifies interactions with MongoDB by providing a schema-based model for data.

Session-Based vs. Token-Based Authentication

  • Session-Based vs. Token-Based Authentication: Two common methods for user authentication. In this project, we use token-based authentication, which involves the use of JWTs for secure communication between the client and server.

Secure Password Storage

  • Secure Password Storage: Techniques and best practices for securely storing user passwords in a way that protects them from unauthorized access. Bcrypt.js is used for secure password hashing.

Environment Variables

This project uses config folder to configure its behavior. To set up the necessary config variables, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the config.sample folder in the project directory.

  2. Duplicate the config.sample folder and rename the copy to config use command from the root directory cp -R app/config.sample/ app/config/