It is a multiblogger GUI application made with tkinter and python 3.6
Enables Multiple blogger to join by sigining up.
Writing Posts and Commenting on the posts of other.
There is also a option of commenting on a post by becoming anonymous.
- pymysql
- tkinter
- Mysql database and Having Workbench will be great.
If you have pip configured in your pc then you can easily download it.
By opening cmd and writing.
pip install pymysql
You can download it from any other source and install it manually.
Just open cmd and type pip.
and if you get
'pip' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Then it is not configured.
if you get the logs.
Congratulations you are already configured.
- Basically you have to set pip in your envirnoment variables.
Go to properties of my computer
and then to advanced system settings
and then to Envirnoment Variables and In system variables
you have to edit the path and place the path of pip there
and it's Done.
MySQL required for database, You can get it from
Model of database is given in blogger.mwb in application.
So, You could directly produce database out of it.
- For eg.
If you have MySQL Workbench.
Else you can download from
Then you can directly open blogger.mwb file there.
and then press Ctrl+G
Go to Database in Menu Bar.
and Click Forward Engineer...
and By doing next, next It will Simply Create the Datebase in Your PC.
Er Model of application is given as ERmodel.png
So, You could either make it on your own Or by any other software.