
building conversational reddit datasets using Google dataflow

Primary LanguagePython

Create the conversational dataset

Below are instructions for how to generate the reddit dataset.

Getting Started

Conversational datasets are created using Apache Beam pipeline scripts, run on Google Dataflow. This parallelises the data processing pipeline across many worker machines. Apache Beam requires python >= 3.6, so you will need to set up a python => 3.6 virtual environment:

The Dataflow scripts write conversational datasets to Google cloud storage, so you will need to create a bucket to save the dataset to.

Dataflow will run workers on multiple Compute Engine instances, so make sure you have a sufficient quota of n1-standard-1 machines. The READMEs for individual datasets give an idea of how many workers are required, and how long each dataflow job should take.

And you will need to set up authentication by creating a service account with access to Dataflow and Cloud Storage, and set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS:

export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS={{json file key location}}

Create the BigQuery input table

Reddit comment data is stored as a public BigQuery dataset, partitioned into months: fh-bigquery:reddit_comments.YYYY_MM. The first step in creating the dataset is to create a single table that contains all the comment data to include.

First, install the bq command-line tool.

Ensure you have a BigQuery dataset to write the table to:

bq mk --dataset ${DATASET?}

Write a new table by querying the public reddit data:


# For all data up to 2019.

  [fh-bigquery:reddit_comments], \
  \"REGEXP_MATCH(table_id, '${TABLE_REGEX?}')\" )"

# Run the query.
echo "${QUERY?}" | bq query \
  --n 0 \
  --batch --allow_large_results \
  --destination_table ${DATASET?}.${TABLE?} \

Run the dataflow script

create_data.py is a Google Dataflow script that reads the input BigQuery table and saves the dataset to Google Cloud Storage.

Now you can run the Dataflow script:


DATADIR="gs://${BUCKET?}/reddit/$(date +"%Y%m%d")"

# The below uses values of $DATASET and $TABLE set
# in the previous section.

python reddit/create_data.py \
  --output_dir ${DATADIR?} \
  --reddit_table ${PROJECT?}:${DATASET?}.${TABLE?} \
  --runner DataflowRunner \
  --temp_location ${DATADIR?}/temp \
  --staging_location ${DATADIR?}/staging \
  --project ${PROJECT?} \
  --dataset_format JSON

Once the above is running, you can continue to monitor it in the terminal, or quit the process and follow the running job on the dataflow admin page.

The dataset will be saved in the $DATADIR directory, as sharded train and test sets- gs://your-bucket/reddit/YYYYMMDD/train-*-of-01000.json and gs://your-bucket/reddit/YYYYMMDD/test-*-of-00100.json.

Using your own machine to download datasets

Incase if you don't have any gcp projects then you may download reddit datasets from PushShift website by just running following command but it takes forever to download and preprocess. So, I wouldn't suggest you do this.

python build.py --dpath <download_path> --reddit-link <"pushshit.io link which contains all the datasets"> --hash-link <"link for hash file.txt">