
Simple Instagram clone

Primary LanguagePHP

Simple Insta Features

Simple Instagram clone with basic features Build as a side project, to have a personal instagram for our friend circle

  • Home Feed with all images from all users
  • As a user, I can register an account, sign in, and sign out
  • As a signed in user, I can upload an image
  • As a signed in users, I can delete an image that I uploaded
  • As a signed in user I can comment on images and delete my comments.
  • One page website, uses REST API for database queries.
  • Works Offline (using service worker).

Host on your own server with PHP language, MySQL server

  • Note: This website is meant to be hosted on apache web server with AllOverride All setting to make redirects work.
  • fork it
  • create required database and tables (or simply import simple-insta.sql to your mysql server) on your mySQL server, it's better to use a new user with access to only this database.
  • update database host url, database name, username and password in /api/vi/config.php (remove .template from filename)
  • make sure /api/v1/uploads has public write access (chmod 666)
  • make sure /api/vi/config.php has owner read-write, group read, public deny access (chmod 640)
  • host it and you are good to go