My CS143 Programming Solutions

This is my programming solutions to CS143 of Stanford Computer Science. It is based on the download link from a course website on I searched for this course material for a long time, and presumed that you might be having the same problem.

I setup a branch skeleton in this repository. It contains skeleton files and directory structures of this course's material from the beginning of my development. You may also download from the download link if the link still works.

The branch skeleton contains some code for the first programming assignment PA1. I did not take care to separate those, for I believe PA1 is not so difficult or necessary, with respect to other PAs. You may skip PA1 and do well in later PAs.

The major materials for the programming assignments are in directory assignments. Some notes in PDF formats are in directory handouts. Other directories are best left untroubled.

This repository is currently in development, and the solutions may not be complete or correct. Even if it is complete, you must not dishonest yourself with this repository.