
The method used here increases the efficiency by double. It is designed for four way road point where each road is subdivided by two portions and each have their own line to go to the next lane. Therefore eight total lanes to control. As two opposite lane can be opened at the same time, the efficiency doubles. Moreover manual control is added for each lane, which will immediately turnes the lane to Green for emergency. I will add an image for clear understanding. The wires need to be managed correctly and the states can be monitored in the serial monitor. For further advancement, two IR used in each lane to measure the traffic density, if the lane is congested in traffic then the sensors are triggered and the control keeps the lane open for extra time to keep keep the line less congested.

The Project was submitted to the hackathon by me- Ammer Ashraf Emon, and my two friends Tanjim Ahmed and Suprova Paul. I will help for any further development.