Dinosaur Remix is a web page that takes Dinosaur Comics and remixes them randomly, hopefully in interesting ways. It uses PHP, Python, and MithrilJS to do its remix-o-matic dance.
You can see it here: http://dinoremix.definingterms.com/
If you want to host your own Dinosaur Remix page, just get a copy of the source and point your web server to the public
directory. Make sure your web server is set up to run PHP scripts from this directory and that unknown URLs will be redirected to index.php
. In nginx you can do so with this config snippet:
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$args;
The file dinoremix.local is an example nginx configuration file for local
development. Copy it to /etc/nginx/sites-available
and customize the paths
in the file for your environment. Then create a softlink to it with the command
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/dinoremix.local /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/dinoremix.local
Add dinoremix.local to your hosts file and then restart nginx.
Before the site will work, you will need to run ./composer.phar install --no-dev
from the command line within the root directory of the repository.
Then, run python cli/downloadComics.py
to download the comics from the Dinosaur Comics site and divide them into panels. You can set up a cron job to do this daily if you want it to always be up-to-date.
The code requires PHP 7.2+ and Python 3.
The Python scripts require the Pillow and BeautifulSoup modules. Both of these can be installed with pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
A deploy script is already set up to use Deployer, but
you will need to customize it for your server. First, edit deploy.php
change the server()
details. Once you have customized the configuration,
run this command to deploy:
$ php deployer.phar deploy production
The PHP extensions dom
, simplexml
, and mbstring
are required for the
development scripts. After installing them, you should run
php composer.phar install
The PHP code is written to comply with PSR1 and PSR2. A composer script to verify the conformance to those style guides with PHP_CodeSniffer can be run with:
php composer.phar check-style
If there are any problems that can be fixed automatically by PHPCBF, you can fix them with this command:
php composer.phar fix-style
There are automated tests in the test
directory. They can be run with this
php composer.phar test
The frontend code is based on MithrilJS and Sass. Before running, you need to install the required NPM packages and build the assets.
npm install
npm run build
During development it's helpful to have a watcher rebuild the assets whenever
they change. You can start the watcher with npm start
The frontend code is written to comply with the AirBnB JavaScript Style and the Standard CSS for stylelint (with a couple of exceptions). Both of these can be automatically checked by running this command:
npm run check-style
There are Javascript tests written using ospec. You can run them with this command:
npm test
This code is free software licensed under the GPL 2. See the LICENSE.md file for details.
This repository includes icons from the Silk Icon Set.