Music Releases

This week we worked in react to create a music-releases site where we displayed fetched data from Spotify with links to each artist and song. We created the project working with pair-programming to the same repository.

The problem

Describe how you approached to problem, and what tools and techniques you used to solve it. How did you plan? What technologies did you use? If you had more time, what would be next?

We worked well together and manage to complete almost the entire blue level and parts of red level aleready on Wednesday. Since then we have been working to get the hovering effect of the heart and dots icon to work, as well as tackeling challenges when publishing to Netlify.

If we would have had more time we would have spent it to try reaching black level, adding playlists from the Spotify API, as well as adding some more cool hovering effects.

View it live

Watch our Spotify copy: