
This project is an implementation of two Computational Intelligence algorithms to help solve a generic problem of Market Pricing.

Particle Swarm Optimisation and Artificial Immune System are implemented.

NOTE: This is a coursework project.

NOTE: PricingProblem was supplied by the University in Java, I have translated this code into Go, testing it alongside the Java version for consistency.

Set Up

This project was developed using Go v1.11.2

The easiest way to run this project is to clone the repository into:


Then run the code:

cd %GOPATH%/src/
go run main.go

Run without output to xlsx

To run this project without xlsx output, ensure lines 71-72 of main.go are commented out.

// xlsx output
// xlsxhandler.WriteXLSXParams(finalRevenues, psoPopulation, aisPopulation, aisReplacement, aisClonesFactor)
xlsxhandler.WriteXLSXRevenues(seeds, randomRevenues, psoRevenues, aisRevenues)

It is also useful to discard the second return object from each algorithm on lines 57, 61 and 65 as well, and change the bool value to false, as below,:

finalRevenues[0][i], _ = algorithms.RandomSearch(numGoods, false, &p)
// ...
finalRevenues[1][i], _ = algorithms.PSOSearch(numGoods, psoPopulation, false, &p)
// ...
finalRevenues[2][i], _ = algorithms.AISSearch(numGoods, aisPopulation, aisReplacement, aisClonesFactor, false, &p)

Run on single seed

To run the algorithms on one seed, alter the seeds variable in main.go, line 14 to suit your needs.

seeds := []int64{0, 38, 113}

Run one algorithm

To run one algorithm, change lines 16 and 17 of main.go as required.

runSingle(numGoods, seeds[0])
// runAll(numGoods, seeds)

Run as steps instead of time limits

This will need more changes to the code, however within algorithms/algoriths.go, each algorithm has a for loop as well as more information about the changes required

  1. Uncomment the for loop condition
  2. Comment out the timeout and tick variables
  3. Comment out switch statement, and move <-timeout: code block outside of the loop
  4. Move if trace condition to the end of the for loop