
Primary LanguageGo

DB Performance Test Utility

dbperf is a test utility for benchmarking TimescaleDB performance.


This project requires Go 1.11+ (for modules support).

Build dbperf executable:

From the root project directory:

go build ./cmd/dbperf

Running Benchmarks

It is assumed that a test database has already been configured. Basic Docker instructions are provided below to get started.

Basic usage ./dbperf [-n workers] FILENAME.csv where filename is path to CSV file containing the queries to execute. See cmd/dbperf/main.go for additional environment variables.


Start the TimescaleDB instance

docker run -d --name timescaledb -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password timescale/timescaledb

Create the test database

psql --host localhost --port 5437 -U postgres < ./scripts/cpu_usage.sql

Ingest our test data

psql --host localhost --port 5437 -U postgres -d homework -c "\COPY cpu_usage FROM ./scripts/cpu_usage.csv CSV HEADER"


Running Tests

Run all tests go test ./...