
Automated TiDB testing framework

Primary LanguageGo



  • Data Generator
    • Plain Data Generator: generates plain data (e.g. integer/varchar(256)/bool)
    • SQL Generator: generates sql according to input plain data
  • Executor: Executes input sql and responds with some feedback
  • Assertor: Judges query result according to input sql
  • Runner: Runs executor and judge


  1. config data generator (e.g. custom one)
  2. config executor (e.g. custom one)
  3. config assertor (e.g. custom one)
  4. config runner (such as number of runnings, parallelism)


  • Generate DDL statements
  • Executor logic: refactor the code currently in main function
  • Assertion logic: judge whether a command runs correctly
  • Runner logic: all of it