| English | 简体中文 |
docker run -d -p 3001:3001 --name rtsp2hls aak1247/rtsp2hls
- docker image already contains ffmpeg package, can be deployed independently, the default temporary file directory is /app/dist/rtsp_temp.
- default port is 3001
- The rtsp2hls service handles the url, concatenates the complete rtsp address, calls the ffmpeg sub-process to complete the rtsp to hls conversion, and creates a temporary folder to save the temporary files of the current stream.
- Periodically process the current stream, close the sub-process and delete the temporary file after timeout (default 5min)
If Request rtsp stream address:
service deployment address:http://localhost:3001
, then requesthttp://localhost:3001/1@2:xxx.bbb
to get hls stream