
list of all python projects i have uploaded on github. check this repository to quickly access the small/cool projetcs i have made in python


I am making this repository to link all the python projects in my github profile.

i will try to update this repository daily as well as create projects regularly

so far i have made the following:-

  1. password generator
  2. tic-tac-toe
  3. text-to-speech
  4. hangman-game
  5. always-moving-mouse-pointer
  6. ping-pong-game
  7. dice-rolling-game
  8. minesweeper-game
  9. number-guessing
  10. Madlib Game
  11. rock-paper-scissors
  12. QR-code-generator

the projects yet to be made: 4. Alarm Clock 5. Algorithm 6. Calculator 7. Timer 8. Chatbot 9. Currency 10. Email slicer 11. Web crawler 12. Contact book 15. Python story generator 16. Reddit bot 17. Caterpillar game 18. Plagiarism checker 19. Alarm clock with Python