Virtual-Standup-MeetingNotes is a pretty basic web app built in Node.js that employs Mongoose as an ORM for database. The app was built for learning purposes for getting familiar with Node.js and MongoDB/Mongoose and has a very basic implementation.
The users can post new Meeting Notes and can also view the earlier notes. The notes can also be filtered by a particular user.
The following project requires Node.Js and NPM to be pre-installed and the necessary path variables for Node and NPM should also be set-up already.
Remote Mongo Client (MongoLabs) is employed to store data in the database. So, MongoDB is not required to be installed on the machine.
Open the terminal/command-line :
$ cd \<required-directory>
$ git clone
$ cd \Virtual-Standup-MeetingNotes-basic-mongoose-implementation
$ npm install
$ npm start
This starts the Node server. Now open the web browser and go to http://localhost:3000/ to view the app.