
GitHub action to deploy a SharePoint app using PnP PowerShell

Primary LanguageTypeScript

PnP PowerShell deploy GitHub action

GitHub action to deploy a SharePoint app using PnP PowerShell.




Create a workflow .yml file in your .github/workflows directory. An example workflow is available below. For more information, reference the GitHub Help Documentation for Creating a workflow file.

Supported Opearting System

  • This action only works with Windows Operations System
  • This action only works for SharePoint Online

Optional requirement

Since this action requires user name and password which are sensitive pieces of information, it would be ideal to store them securely. We can achieve this in a GitHub repo by using secrets. So, click on settings tab in your repo and add 2 new secrets:

  • adminUsername - store the admin user name in this (e.g. user@contoso.onmicrosoft.com)
  • adminPassword - store the password of that user in this. These secrets are encrypted and can only be used by GitHub actions.


  • SHAREPOINT_SITE_URL : Required URL of the SharePoint Site.
  • ADMIN_USERNAME : Required Username of the admin.
  • ADMIN_PASSWORD : Required Password of the admin.
  • APP_FILE_PATH : Required Relative path of the app in your repo
  • OVERWRITE : true|false Set to overwrite the existing package file. Default is false
  • SCOPE : Site|Tenant Scope of the app catalog: Tenant|Site. Default is Tenant
  • SKIP_FEATURE_DEPLOYMENT : true|false If the app supports tenant-wide deployment, deploy it to the whole tenant. Default is false

Example workflow - PnP PowerShell Deploy

On every push build the code, deploy the app.

name: SPFx CICD with PnP PowerShell

on: [push]

    ## Build code omitted
    needs: build
    runs-on: windows-latest
      siteUrl: https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/teamsite
    ## Code to get the package omitted
    # PnP PowerShell deploy app action
    # Use either option 1 or option 2
    # Option 1 - Deploy app at tenant level
    - name: Option 1 - Deploy app to tenant
      id: PnPPowerShellDeploy
      uses: aakashbhardwaj619/action-pnp-powershell-deploy@v1.0.0
        SHAREPOINT_SITE_URL: ${{ env.siteUrl }}
        ADMIN_USERNAME: ${{ secrets.adminUsername }}
        ADMIN_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.adminPassword }}
        APP_FILE_PATH: sharepoint/solution/spfx-pnp-powershell-action.sppkg
        OVERWRITE: true
    # Option 1 - ends
    # Option 2 - Deploy app to a site collection
    - name: Option 2 - Deploy app to a site collection
      uses: aakashbhardwaj619/action-pnp-powershell-deploy@v1.0.0
        SHAREPOINT_SITE_URL: ${{ env.siteUrl }}
        ADMIN_USERNAME: ${{ secrets.adminUsername }}
        ADMIN_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.adminPassword }}
        APP_FILE_PATH: sharepoint/solution/spfx-pnp-powershell-action.sppkg
    # Option 2 - ends