- Written in 100% Kotlin
- MVVM architecture
- Coroutines and retrofit for networking operations
- Room library for database
- Glide for image processing and display
- Dagger Hilt for dependency injection
- Mockk and jraska library for unit tests
- Google libraries used for map utilities
- sdp and ssp used to maintain layout uniformity
- Timber as alternative to log for logging
- material lib for button
- APK file is added to the root layer of folder
- Api calls can be inspected through chucker(for debug builds)
- data/ -> data layer where we have repositories and interfaces as well as relevant data classes for network calls
- ext/ -> Extension functions, Helper functions for network calls
- module/ -> Setup of dependency injection modules.
- ui/ -> UI layers where we have activity and fragments as well as view models.
- test/ -> test for view models