A repository for a production grade GKE cluster with nginx and kcert LetsEncrypt SSL certificate manager
- You have a public DNS for your website
- Use are using nignx ingress controller
- You are using kcert SSL manager for your public Site
- Terraform CLI https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/downloads
- Terraform-docs CLI ( optional ) https://github.com/terraform-docs/terraform-docs/releases
- Clone this repository and change to the checkout directory
- Change the values in sample.tfvars or create a new tfvars with correct values
- Change other variables if needed to customize the cluster details.
- Uncomment the backend.tf keys and provide the correct values if using GCS for storing the state. Delete backend.tf to use the local file system for state management.
- Execute the following .
terraform init
terraform plan -var-file=sample.tfvars ( change sample.tfvars to your specific config file )
terraform apply -var-file=sample.tfvars ( change sample.tfvars to your specific config file )
devops_k8s_nginx_controller_lb_ip = ""
Setup a A record for your domain / sub domain with the IP provisioned