NIO and WebFlux tests

The main goal of the project\repository is to figure out how async processing is affecting REST services requests. Comparison of 2 approaches is taken as a base:

  • Jersey based implementation with AsyncAnswer usage
  • Spring WebFlux based implementation

Theoretically both rely on Servlet 3.1 implementation and should perform similarly.

How to use project

you can run server from command line using maven

mvn clean package -DskipTests
mvn exec:java

Once server is started simply run com.aakhmerov.test.ConnectionThreadsNumberTest in your favorite way, for example using maven

mvn surefire:test -Dtest=ConnectionThreadsNumberTest

Test results

results are printed into console and are free for interpretation. Sample results:

Running com.aakhmerov.test.ConnectionThreadsNumberTest
Endpoint: [http://localhost:8090/api/status/async/threaded-connection] 
 error count [0] 
 avg duration [4739] ms
Endpoint: [http://localhost:8090/api/status/async/unmanaged-threaded-connection] 
 error count [0] 
 avg duration [1958] ms
Endpoint: [http://localhost:8090/api/status/async/connection] 
 error count [0] 
 avg duration [1168] ms
Endpoint: [http://localhost:8090/flux/status/connection] 
 error count [0] 
 avg duration [5080] ms
Endpoint: [http://localhost:8090/api/status/connection] 
 error count [0] 
 avg duration [3821] ms
Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 69.072 sec

Known issues

Linux: Limit of open files

if you see something like this in server logs

[qtp1142267663-13-acceptor-0@24be88c0-ServerConnector@2a796227{HTTP/1.1,[http/1.1]}{}] WARN  o.e.jetty.server.AbstractConnector - Too many open files

then you have to increase number of allowed cursors.