
Train a model to class food review sentiments

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Build classification model to classifier food review sentiments using logistic regression, naive bayes through sklearn and mlflow.

   |      |--data/
   |      |
   |      |--image/
   |      |
   |      |--mlruns
   |      |
   |      |--metrics.py
   |      |
   |      |--pipeline.pkl
   |      |
   |      |--predict.py
   |      |
   |      |--sentiment_cli.py
   |      |
   |      |--train.py

What does the application do?

The Review Sentiment is a supervised machine learning cli application that identifies if a review has postive (1) or negative (0) sentiment with probability score.

How to install it

From the project directory in terminal:

  1. create python enviroment using conda or venv
  2. pip install -r requirement.txt

Example Dev Usage

  1. from RUBIX directory cd food_review

  2. Try to use help undertand the cli
    python sentiment_cli.py --help

    Usage: sentiment_cli.py [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

    Options: --help Show this message and exit.


  3. To use it to predict:

    1. Try with predict help:

      python sentiment_cli.py predict --help

      Usage: sentiment_cli.py predict [OPTIONS]


      --text TEXT it can be single text review or text file with review with .txt/.csv --help Show this message and exit.

    2. Try to use predict "I do not like rice anymore":

      python sentiment_cli.py predict --text="I do not like rice anymore"

      Verbatism: I do not like rice anymore Sentiment Value: 0 Sentiment score: 0.42%

  4. To check the metrics of the model:

    1. Check out help:
      python sentiment_cli.py metrics --help

      Usage: sentiment_cli.py metrics [OPTIONS]

      Options: --metric [all|accuracy|auc_score|f1_score] Select which metrics you want to see --help Show this message and exit.

    2. Check all the metrics:

      python sentiment_cli.py metrics --metric=all

      {'auc_score': 0.76, 'Accuracy': 0.76, 'f1_score': 0.75}

Build it

from Food-Review-Classification directory:
python setup.py develop