
Pug line lexer

Primary LanguageYacc


Parses one line at a time. To be used by lexing-transformer.

Incremental build / WIP

npm test


npm test

Build for deployment

npm run build

Roundtrip from Pug -> AST -> Pug (can't do include yet)

See "all" project.


I was trying to publish all of my libraries as an ES module and as a CommonJS module but either I have "type=module" in my package.json so I can use imports and run tests or I have it removed so Parcel correctly handles publishing both types. For now I'm just exporting an ES module.


Clean up dependencies

Try minimist or mri or yargs-parser instead of command-line-args

Failing tests



LexingError: Error parsing mixins.pug: Internal lexer engine error on line 29: The lex grammar programmer pushed a non-existing condition name "MULTI_LINE_ATTRS_END"; this is a fatal error and should be reported to the application programmer team!

  Erroneous area:
1: <MULTI_LINE_ATTRS_END>div#interpolation= str + 'interpolated'



  Erroneous area:
1: <MULTI_LINE_ATTRS_END>div#interpolation= str + 'interpolated'



LexingError: Error parsing /Users/aakoch/projects/new-foo/workspaces/lexing-transformer/build/in/tags.self-closing.pug: Lexical error on line 177: Unrecognized text.

Erroneous area:
1: #{


xml.pug (XML not supported because I have limited the set of keywords to HTML)

LexingError: Error parsing /Users/aakoch/projects/new-foo/workspaces/lexing-transformer/build/in/xml.pug: Lexical error on line 2: Unrecognized text.

Erroneous area:
1: category(term='some term')/