

Day 1 (07/07/2021)

Beginner(For practical application in Data Science)

Day 1 (07/07/2021)

  • Learned about datatypes in Python
  • File handling
  • openCV

Day 2 (08/07/2021)

  • Numpy
  • Array and vectors
  • EDA

Day 3 (09/07/2021)

  • Numpy Practice
  • Array and vectors Practice
  • EDA Practice
  • Matplotlib and Seaborn practice

Day 4 (10/07/2021)

  • Started working on a project(EDA)
  • Learning sklearn


Day 5 (12/07/2021)

  • Logistic Regression
  • Data Visualization Using Seaborn

Day 6 (13/07/2021)

  • Practice of Logistic Regression
  • Working over Titanic Data Set

Day 7 (14/07/2021)

  • Learning Package and API used in Data Science

Day 8 (15/07/2021)

  • Learning Sklearn

Day 9 (16/07/2021)

  • Got Udacity AWS Scholarship
  • Learning Power BI for Data Visualization

Day 10 (17/07/2021)

  • Learning Power BI for Data Visualization
  • Revisisng Last Week Topics

Day 11 (19/07/2021)

  • Revising Logistic Regression
  • Revising Sklearn

Day 12 (20/07/2021)

  • Started with KNN algorithm

Day 13 (21/07/2021)

  • Practical of KNN algorithm

Day 14 (22/07/2021)

  • Revision Day 1

Day 15 (23/07/2021)

  • Revision Day 2
  • Started with Python for Finance

Day 16 (24/07/2021)

  • Python for Finance

Day 17 (26/07/2021)

  • Power BI
  • Python for Finance

Day 18 (28/07/2021)

  • Python for Finance
  • Power BI