• Aakriti
  • Jheel Soni
  • Kirti Singh


  • Healthcare

Problem Statement

While both men and women contract various conditions, some health issues affect women differently and more commonly. Furthermore, many women’s health conditions go undiagnosed and most drug trials do not include female test subjects. Even so, women bear exclusive health concerns, such as Breast Cancer, PCOD/PCOS, Uterine Fibroids. Depression and anxiety exhibit more frequently among female patients. Sometimes women neglect or feel hesitant visiting Gynecologist and this reluctance results in severe health issues.



Fight Like A Girl!!

'APARAJITA' is a website that we will be developing with an intention of providing gynecological healthcare facilities to every woman. Our website will be having an analysis part through which a woman can easily diagnose her health issues. She can even have an appointment with a gynecologist. As mentioned before women have more chances of anxiety and depression, we will be solving it with the help of CBT therapy, one-to-one conversation Therapist. We also focus on women fitness.

We can help them with

  • Women's fitness
  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Uterine Fibroids
  • Breast Cancer
  • Hygiene Awareness