
Value & Policy Iteration for the frozenlake environment of OpenAI

Primary LanguagePython

Reinforcement Learning

OpenAI Gym Environments

Creating the environments

To create the environment use the following code snippet:

import gym
import deeprl_hw1.envs

env = gym.make('Deterministic-4x4-FrozenLake-v0')


There are four actions: LEFT, UP, DOWN, RIGHT represented as integers. The deep_rl_hw1.envs contains variables to reference these. For example:


will print out the number 0.

Environment Attributes

This class contains the following important attributes:

  • nS :: number of states
  • nA :: number of actions
  • P :: transitions, rewards, terminals

The P attribute will be the most important for your implementation of value iteration and policy iteration. This attribute contains the model for the particular map instance. It is a dictionary of dictionary of lists with the following form:

P[s][a] = [(prob, nextstate, reward, is_terminal), ...]

For example, to get the probability of taking action LEFT in state 0 you would use the following code:


This would return the list: [(1.0, 0, 0.0, False)] for the Deterministic-4x4-FrozenLake-v0 domain. There is one tuple in the list, so there is only one possible next state. The next state will be state 0, according to the second number in the tuple. This will be the next state 100% of the time according to the first number in the tuple. The reward function for this state action pair R(0,LEFT) = 0 according to the third number. The final tuple value says that the next state is not terminal.

Running a random policy

example.py has an example of how to run a random policy on the domain.

#Value Iteration The optimal policies for the different environments is in the .py files.