Digi XBee Gateway Plugin for Smarthome.py


This plugin allows you to interface with XBGW's RCI XML API to poll channel values as well as set them.

Information about XBee Gateway: http://www.digi.com/products/xbee-rf-solutions/gateways/xbee-gateway

My use case

I started this project to control my Hotspring Sovereign Spa remotely. In fact the stock solution for the spa in question uses XBGW and Dia's cloud service to integrate Spa remote controls to their Android application.

Thus most of the code in this project is applicable to Watkins Spa controls. However, this plugin can be used to control whatever device that is managed by the XBGW and exposes it settable/gettable values as RCI channels.


My XBGW doesn't allow RCI calls to be made remotely so the included rci_httpserver.py can be used as a proxy script. Just copy it to XBGW and start is as a regular python script. This can be done from the Web UI.

After this configure the plugin. Example:

class_name = XBeeGateway
class_path = plugins.xbgw
url = http://xbgwhostname:8080
poll_interval = 60
rci_target = watkins

Item configuration

The plugin recognizes xbgw_listen and xbgw_send to control which channels are used to poll/set the item value. The format is <devicename>.<channelname> as XBGW can be used to control multiple devices.

Encoder and decoder are references to a function in encoders.py and decoders.py that can be used to mangle the value before sending or receiving it. The provided files contain few functions I used to encode data for Watkins Spa controller.


name = Hot tub set target temperature
type = num
visu_acl = rw
xbgw_listen = eagle.ctrl_head_set_temperature
xbgw_send = eagle.set_temperature
xbgw_decoder = watkins_str_fahrenheit_to_celcius
xbgw_encoder = watkins_set_temp_relative


If you find this project useful I'd like to hear about it. When this project was started there were not many projects out there that integrate with Watkins Spa controllers or XBGW.