Test Redis

  1. Run docker-compose up to bring up server and redis Docker
  2. Run docker exec -t -i 18731-dynamic-policies_redis_1 /bin/bash to connect to redis server
  3. Run redis-cli

Dynamic Policies


Use python3 main.py -h for help.

python3 main.py config.json

Please refer to example_config.json. All fields must exist.

The program will run forever until it receives sigint.

It will enter cleanup process after receiving the first sigint, and it will be killed brutefully by the second sigint.

Add --debug flag to print stderr, otherwise all stderr messages are dumped to devnull.


Rule Manager

A simple class that manage current activated rules.

It requres a path to a output file.

Add and remove rules by calling add_rules and remove_rules with a list of policy id.

Update the output file by calling generate_output function.

Example usage:

from rule_manager import RuleManager

rule_manager = RuleManager('path_to_output', query_rule_by_id_handle)

rule_manager.add_rules(['0', '2', '3'])



query_rule_by_id_handle is a function that allows rule manager to query path to rule file by policy id.

By default, the original content in the output file will be wiped out.

Pass True at object construction to keep the original content in the output file.

rule_manager = RuleManager('path_to_output', query_rule_by_id_handle, True)

You can get all activated policy id by calling get_activated_id function.

FIFO Manager

A simple FIFO management.

It implements a blocking reading, and a blocking writing with optional timeout.

It requires a path to a fifo to initilize. The fifo doesn't need to be there, the class will create it when initilized.

Notice that fifos are strictly uni-directional.


from fifo_manager import FIFOManager

Open for read:

fm = FIFOManager('fifofile1', 'r')

Open for write:

fm = FIFOManager('fifofile1', 'w')

Notice that this only initilize the instance. It won't open the fifo.

Read from fifo

Call read() function. It will be blocked until the writer closes the fifo.

read_string = fm.read()

To listen to the fifo continuously, you can add a while true loop around it:

while True:
	read_string = fm.read()

Write to fifo

Call write() function. It will block until it has a reader.

fm.write('some string')

You might want to add a timeout.

The function will return after timeout seconds, and it will abort its pending writing.

For example, adding a 5 seconds timeout.

fm.write('some string', 5)